A brief review of the need for multi-polar distribution of power
Ancient Greeks To My Liking
A short review of the Epicurean message and a poem written about it by Lucretias
Domini, Hocus Pocus, Nature and Names
Satire about names we give our children
Is This the Winter of Our Discontent?
Satirical observations on some of the things going wrong in our world.
Can You Benefit from a Good Brainwash?
Being brainwashed is mostly not good, but their are exceptions.
Time flies when you are having fun
Satirical comments on how to spend your time after retirement. Have fun, but don’t overdo it.
You Should Try Something New Too
satirical review of aging of the brain and what to do about it
Who Says The Earth Ain’t Flat?
Pseudoscience is harmful. It is fake, mock, nominal, or would-be science, such as Homeopathy, Astrology, Parapsychology, Palmistry, and Creation Research, to name a few. The list is endless. Despite my title, many of these strange beliefs are quite harmless. Members of the Flat Earth Society don’t do much harm other than spreading scientifically irresponsible misconceptions…
Random Thoughts
There are a number of things I am interested in, and new ones are added as I age. That does however not mean the number gets larger, as most of my earlier passions are dropped while others come to the forefront. These modifications may come about as the result of hormonal changes, memory loss and…
Satire It may be true that one should not compare apples with oranges, but what about comparing people with trees; old people with old trees? A gnarly, time-beaten old man with crooked arthritic fingers and toes and an old wind-beaten pine with its grotesquely deformed roots holding on for dear life to the rocky soils…